Saturday, May 19, 2007

Heresy in Varese

Too many days and too many happenings!
Michele has been able to get back from Izmir with a Gold Medal for Team (10th world champion title for him), toghether with Galiazzo and Tonelli, so his bet in going there has been winning.
But after that, the development of the season has become very rapid. Firs World Cup stage of 2007 in Ulsan at the end of March, when not yet at the top, but first of the non Koreans in the qualification FITA round, and unfortunately out at the tie break in the 16th of finals. Then, two consecutive FITA rounds to test new equipments, just before the seconfd World Cup Stage in Varese, Italy.
Varese has been an incredible experience for me and for my family. Being at the same time the President of the Organizing Committe and Michele's coach, I have brought my capabilities to the absolute limit for more than 15 days. But what a result! Despite the terrible weather jeopardiziong the quality of the results for 2 days out of six, the tournament has been a terrific success at local and international level, with the highest media coverage ever had for an archery tournament in Italy. And the Heretic Archer has fully helped, getting back to his top exactly when needed, in his home coutry.
Second in qualifiction with 1348 after the jounger Nespoli, Michele went straight to the Gold final, beating the russian Tzyrempilov and getting the most desired result in front of the home spectators, only one medal of the Italian team. And, because of this, jumping instantly from the 13th place to the 2nd of the FITA Worlda Rank List and the sec0nd palce in the World Cup 2007.
And, being heretig again, at the end of the same week Michele has moved to Bignon in France for a local double FITA round shot in the wind and rain, were he has been able to win with large margin over all members of the French National team that were there for the selection of team for Antalya, the third stage of 2007 world cup.
Antalya will be starting one week from now, and there probably the finallists of the world cup 2007 will be decided and the Heretic of course would like to be among them .
I'm now back to writing, as my publishers are urging me for more articles. Let see which one is going to be published next!
Just one comment: the top 3 men in qualification in Varese were all shooting with different techniques. Mauro Nespoli, 1353, is a good example of an adaptation of the Korean basic technique for men, more known around as Mr. K. S. Lee B.E.S.T. technique, with some local adjustements. Michele, 1348, is... the Heretic Archer, and Ilario di Buo', 1344 is a good example of the old traditional puller technique. They were tied at the end of the 50 mt at 994... The search for the final solution is still long and difficult, and no solutions have yet definitely prooven to be ... the best. But we will insist going ... Heretic!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations for the great results in the World Cup!
After reading the two books I feel that are things that are capital and must not change (there are several informations that are similar in both books); there are things that are particular to each technique and must not change from shot to shot, the archer should choose the technique that suits him best.
In the end, I will always cheer for the heretic archer!

Vittorio Frangilli said...

Thnks for cheering for us!


Anonymous said...

Ciao, signore Vittorio. I am an Italian-American whose family is deeply in love with archery. I don't shoot, but I am a poet. At this moment, I am trying to write a poem about the joy of archery, using the Italian or Petrarchan form, and I will present this poem in both English and Italian. But I'm having a problem with a couple of Italian words. I looked it up in my dictionary, but the word is wrong there, and I've asked my elders, but they don't shoot either, so they don't know the right words. Maybe you can help me? I need to know the words, in Italian, for the "bullseye" (the middle of the target), and the word for the "range", meaning the archery range where the shooting practice happens. I've been given words that translate to "Center of the target" and also words that refer to a "range of vision". These are not correct. Thank you for any help you might be able to give me.

I enjoy your blogs and praise your work.


Anonymous said...

Dear Vittorio,
Is there any way to train the Heretic way in Italy, for 1 month.
How much it would cost?

Anonymous said...


I just began to read "L'archer Hérétique". I have a question about the first chapter, speaking about how to select the shafts, and where we can see all the bare shafts at 70M.

Question is : You talk about using a measurement device able to give a measure with a 1/10Gr of error. "Gr" is for Grammes or Grains ?

Second question... if you think that shafs must have the same weight at 1/10Gr... What do you recommand to write on the shaft the name, and the arrow number. Should the ink weight be take into considération ?