Monday, August 07, 2006

Der Häretische Bogenschütze 2

Well, at the end, the first week of July become the last week of the same month, but finally Der Häretische Bogenschütze has been printed, packed and sent to the delaers, and some of them are now alreay repeating orders!
One comment received that made me happy and of course our friend Andreas Lorenz even happier is: "The best archery book in German language ever published"...
What to say more, I hope the german archers will all enjoy reading it and I'm waiting for other comments.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Frangilli, I tried today once more in a bookshop to order "der haeretische Bogenschuetze" in German. It was not found in the computer of the bookshop. Can you please give me the ISBN-Number or the publisher of the german edition.
Best regards
Helga Melin

Vittorio Frangilli said...

Dear Helga,
all details about the book and ISBN codes for the different editions are on the book web site at
The registered dealers handling the German version arelisted on the page:
